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Writer's pictureJenny Robson - Communications

November Updates and Events



Holiday Arrangements 2023

Wednesday, November 15th -- 4pm

Concord Country Club

2 Country Club Ln, Concord, NH

Get Inspired with new ideas for this holiday season! Join Barbara Jobin and Robyn Cotton as they create beautiful holiday decorations.

Barbara and Robyn want to thank you for completing the workshop surveys, as the information collected provided us with our inspiration for this upcoming workshop. The presentation will include somewhat "non-traditional " ideas as well as a few "out of the box" ideas to decorate your mantle, tablescape, and/or create a centerpiece for the upcoming fall and winter holidays. In addition to florals, we will incorporate different shades of greenery, woodland touches, and include shades of blue to our holiday palette of colors.

Some of the ideas created will be included in a raffle, so don't forget to bring cash or your checkbook.

If you haven't signed up there is still time --

Registration Deadline is Monday November 13th.


Community Service Holiday Greens Workshop

Wednesday, December 6th -- 1-3pm

The Merrimack County Nursing Home

325 Daniel Webster Hwy,

Boscawen NH 03303

Many of you will be excited to hear that we will be providing the Holiday Greens Workshop at the Merrimack County Nursing Home again this year. As in previous years, we will be working with residents to make a Holiday Centerpiece.

Please bring greens, your clippers and a pair of scissors. Everything else will be provided.

For those who would like to begin with lunch, bring your own bag lunch and plan to arrive at noon

The Merrimack County Nursing Home is a fairly large campus and can be a bit confusing as to where to enter for 1st timers. Be sure to use the main entrance drive from the road. Our Workshop has been held in the front lobby which is a large space and perfectly accommodates the event and folks just passing by get to catch a bit of Holiday Spirit. There is a room just off the lobby on the left that was available for our bag lunch in the past.

Please RSVP here by Friday, Dec 1st, 2023.



Calling all designers!

We are excited to be holding our 2024 Art and Bloom Exhibit at Kimball Jenkins Estate in Concord from Thursday January 25th to Saturday January 27th, 2024.

This new venue can accommodate plenty more designers. Whether this is your first time creating a floral interpretation of a piece of art or your 15th, we would love to have you join us.

Kimball Jenkins welcomes pedestals for arrangements. If you have one you’d like to donate, they will be happy to take it and store it for future events.

If you haven’t signed up already, or have more questions, please contact us now!

Lucy Gentilhomme

Teresa Rosenberger

Millie LaFontaine


MEMBERSHIP -- Nametags!

Nametags are important for newer members and others to get to know you. In the past, the Membership Chair has just handed these out at various activities, but the Chair is not always in attendance and thus no name tags.

Membership Chair Ellen Schreiner will be handing out our nice magnetic (as in, they don't harm your clothing) nametags to members at the next few events. Each member should keep their own nametag, store it somewhere safe (and memorable!), and whenever possible, wear it at Concord Garden Club events and meetings.

Because nametags can get lost and the reprinting does cost a little money, there may be a small charge in the future to replace any lost nametags.


2023-24 Handbook

The Garden Club Member Handbook has been updated for the current year. You can find it in downloadable form in the Members Only section of the website. We will also be sending a PDF of the Handbook to all members separately by email.


Attention Dahlia Growers:

Reminder, we are planning a dahlia dividing party in the spring where we can all figure out how to identify those pesky eyes that mean your dahlias tubers will sprout. Dahlia lifting time is almost here! If you grow dahlias and are planning to lift them and overwinter them, consider marking the variety, or just the color and size, on the tuber so we can trade with each other. Here’s the link to UNH Cooperative Extension information on how to lift and store dahlias.


November horticultural tips

  • Hyacinth Bulbs….put in paper bag (labeled with color of hyacinth and date) in the refrigerator for 12 to 15 weeks. Take out a few at a time and place in bulb vases with water. Place in a sunny spot (inside) and watch them grow roots, and grow and flower.

  • Rooting Pelargoniums….it is best to cut with a knife 3 to 4 inches above leaf joint, remove leaves leaving 2 leaves on top. Place cutting in rooting compost or ½ peat and ½ sharp sand in 5 inch pot. Poke 5 holes and place 5 cuttings. Pelargoniums do best without rooting hormone. Place in warm place...or use a heat mat. Or….root in water for 3 to 4 weeks.

Continued fall clean up….what really needs to be done?

  • Plants that are diseased should be cut back and clean up soil around plant.

  • Monarda and Phlox are prone to powdery cut and discard.

  • Peonies get a fungal disease -- cut back and discard. Cut stem to 2 to 3 inches.

  • Bearded Iris needs a clean garden bed. Wait until after 1st frost before cutting back. The iris borer moth is active until then.

  • If Rudbeckia has Septonia leaf spot, cut, clean up and discard.

  • Hosta…after a hard frost clean up all leaves from plant. They might have slug eggs. Leaf stem should be 2 to 3 inches to protect crown.

  • Agastaches, coneflowers and rudbeckia feed the birds.

  • Native sedums, Joe Pyeweed and Heleopsis helianthoides are good for birds, butterflies and beneficial insects. They shelter in these native plants and in their leaf litter. Seeds heads can be removed and planted in another area of the garden

  • Mums, Anise Hyssop, Montauk Daisy, red hot poker (Kniphofa Uvaria)...leave the foliage. It protects the root crowns over winter. Cutting back will stimulate new growth.

  • Pulmonaria and Penstemons…leave until spring.

  • Do not cut back, epimediums, hellebores, heucheras, hardy geraniums, diathus, moss phlox, euphorbia, candytuft, rimula, hens and chicks, heaths, heathers. Trim in spring.

  • Do not fertilize in fall…wait until spring. Compost can be placed in the garden bed. It is considered a soil conditioner and not a fertilizer



As a courtesy, each month we include, for your information, the list of upcoming programs for the remainder of the Garden Club year. This is a replication of the material that appears on the Programs area of our website's Members Only page.

VERY IMPORTANT: please click through to our website's Members Only page to learn full details, and to RSVP.

As a reminder, when you click the link to RSVP to a CGC event, you will be taken to our website's Members Only login page. Once logged in, navigate down the page to Upcoming Events, where you will find RSVP information and links for each program. If you need help logging in to the Members Only page, contact Gena Cohen Moses for help (

AND -- once you've RSVP'd, don't forget to put them in your calendar, and note whether you have paid or not.

Holiday Luncheon - Friday, December 1, 12pm

Start the season with your garden club friends!

Our Holiday Luncheon begins at noon followed by a Yankee Swap $15.00 gift that is garden themed. Cost $25. Please register by Nov 26th.

21st Annual Art & Bloom -Thursday, January 25 - Sat. Jan 27th

Join us for the Concord Garden Club's signature winter event!

The event spans three days and is free and open to the public.

SCHEDULE: Thurs, Jan 25th 1-5:30pm | Fri, Jan 26th 10-4pm | Sat, Jan 27th 10-4pm.

BE SURE TO mark your calendars for our Centennial Year kick-off champagne toast at the Art & Bloom opening reception on Thursday, January 25, 2024 5 - 7 pm at the Kimball Jenkins Estate.

Presenter - John Harris of the NH Humanities Council - Thursday, March 14th 1pm

Returning North with the Spring: Retracing the Journey of Naturalist Edwin Way Teale

In 1947, Edwin Teale, followed the progress of spring over four months from the Everglades to the summit of Mount Washington. His best selling book, North with the Spring, recounts the epic journey he and his wife, Nellie undertook. John Harris set out to retrace Teale’s route, stopping at unfamiliar wild places on the same calendar date on which Teale visited. Using Teale’s journal notes and photographs, Harris examined and compared changes in the flora, fauna, and lives of the people along the way. His account documents the losses, details the transformation, and celebrates the victories, for a remarkable number of east coast refuges have grown wilder during the intervening years.

Presenter - Dr. Doug Tallamy - evening of Thursday, April 18th

Save the date, more information to follow

Douglas Tallamy is a passionate entomologist, ecologist and conservationist, and a terrific speaker. He is a professor in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware and has written and co-authored several books, including, most recently, Nature's Best Hope. Tallamy is one of the founders of the Homegrown National Park initiative, and he advocates for home gardens and landscaping that bridge the gaps between parks and preserves in providing habitat for native species.

Sanborn Mills Farm tour - Thursday, May 16th 10am

Sanborn Mills Farm's mission is to teach traditional crafts and farming methods while sustainably using its field and forest resources for its workshops and events.

The Farm is a center for the renewal of the human spirit, a place to cultivate creativity and joy, and an anchor for our individual, collective, and shared experiences. SMF expands its traditional farming practices, including draft animal power, growing fruits, vegetables, animals, grains, trees, ornamental gardens, fiber, and other materials for use in making things. Remaining rooted in regenerative practices, our products are used in our community. SMF teaches traditional crafts, farming with draft animals, animal husbandry and the skills needed to repair, maintain and run water-powered mills. The Farm's ethos is guided by a desire to achieve perfection through what can be accomplished by working with one’s hands.

This tour will be rescheduled if inclement weather on the 16th.

Members only, No guests.

Annual Meeting and Comedy Show - Thursday, June 6 11:30am - 2pm

Join us to end the year with a short meeting, lunch, and a wonderful comedy show.

Members Only. No Guests.

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